Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blogging To The Bank 2.0 Review--It's a Rip-Off

If you are considering Blogging to The Bank 2.0 as a guide to making money online, think again. Hopefully you will read this Blogging To The Bank 2.0 Review before it's too late.

If you are like me, you probably wanted to learn more about Blogging, a Free way (not really when it comes down to it) to make money online. Hey, what could be easier, blogging for profit? Write your thoughts about something and get paid, sounds simple enough doesn't it?

First off, let me say that Blogging itself is a very legitimate way to make money online. And yes, if you know what you're doing you can make serious money with a Blog and you can do this with $0 to Very Little Out of Pocket Costs.

I bought Blogging to the Bank 2.0 when it came out last year. I was really psyched because I had heard all the pre-launch hype and was excited to get started because I didn't know a lot about the subject.

The material (ebook & bonuses) itself was not disappointing, but what I found underneath when I signed up for the "upsell" the $29.99 a month 6 Figure Blogging Club was nothing but a rip-off!

For $29.99 a month, I was supposed to get a monthly newsletter with extra tips and strategies that Rob Benwell kept reserved for his subscribers, but what I got was nothing more than a bunch of hyped up emails promoting other products.

Sure, the first month the newsletter came, and quite frankly it was OK, but I figured since it was pretty new it would get better. Well after that, no newsletters ever came again, just a bunch of emails that promoted more products. No Blogging Tips, No Blogging Secrets, Nothing except charges to my credit card.

I emailed customer service at Blogging To The Bank no less than 4 times. They never responded, all the while I kept letting them charge me $29.99 a month for the privilege of receiving more Spam.

Finally, I contacted Clickbank and they were able to refund 2 out of the 4 months that I paid for the Blogging To The Bank 6 Figure Newsletter. This refund amount fell short because I was out of the 60 Day Grace Period for the other 2 payments. I understood that, but I also told Clickbank that if Rob Benwell would simply send me the 3 Newsletters that he owed me, I would be more than happy to even resign if the content was good.

What happened? Nothing. No Newsletters, just more spam promoting more products.

What's the moral of the story here? It occured to me that people who are new to Internet Marketing or even Blogging For Profit, might not know what to expect from a Monthly Newsletter or membership website. And maybe, some people think that getting weekly or even twice-weekly emails with SPAM is how this type of service works.

Let me assure you, it is not. If you sign up for a Monthly Newsletter, then that is exactly what you should receive, a Monthly Newsletter with legitimate content that is relevant to that service. Should the creator of the product try and sell you more stuff? Absolutely. That's just good business sense. But, before they try to sell you more products, they need to deliver on their promises. The Blogging To The Bank 2.0 Six Figure Blogging Club Doesn't do that or even come close.

As Far as Blogging To The Bank 2.0 goes, let the buyer beware!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Unemployment Job Search

Make a Six Figure Income with the High Demand Business!
OK Moms, this might not be exactly your cup of tea. But when you are experiencing the frustration of an Unemployment Job Search, in order to get back on track both financially and mentally, sometimes a radical change can be the best!

If someone in your family is unemployed, then now more than ever, might be a good time to start your own business. Now I know funds are tight, so this is nothing crazy, but if you are someone that has had any type of job that involves labor or even if you just like to work with your hands, then you could be on your way to saying Goodbye to the Unemployment line once and for all!

This is a legitimate business that you can start with very little capital. And even more important, it is in a high demand market with very little competition. And with this economy that is exactly the type of work that you need!

Think about it, today society utilizes every type of electronic device, tool, small appliance whatever...on the fly. And what do we need to stay mobile? Batteries! That's right, Re-chargeable Batteries! Think about it!

What if there was an easy step-by-step method to re-condition rechargeable batteries?

Well there is and a man named Kevin Dixon has written an ebook about it.

Utilizing his "Geekness" or simply put Expertise, Kevin, also known as the Battery Geek, has come up with a small business idea that you can run right out of your house. Suprisingly, the equipment that you need is minimal and Kevin even shows you how to get it cheap and make some of it yourself.

In this ever changing economy, nobody has job security anymore. It's sad, but true. I once read that some of the richest people in the world have a philosophy that goes something like this;

If you want to make money and be your own boss, success is really simple! Just do something that needs to be done, that nobody else wants to do!

I know that it seems somewhat simplistic, but if you think about it, it does ring true doesn't it!
In his very easy to follow guide to Battery Conditioning, Kevin who has been very successful reconditioning batteries himself, claims that he has more business than he can handle!
Pick up a copy of the Battery Reconditioning Report you will be on your way to saying good bye that that unemployment job search and hello to your own business with a 6 figure salary!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Moms Make Money Online At Home--Work From Home On The Internet

**Amazing NEW GUARANTEE! See Below How You Can Use Someone Elses Money To Make Money!

OK Ladies, this is a completely different type of work at home opportunity. It is probably the FASTEST way that I know to make money online at home- Work From home on the Internet.

You know how all of those home based business opportunities promise that their system is automated and that everything is done for you? Well, we talked about the Apple Patch before and that was the one of the only Make Money Online Biz Opp's that I have come across that actually delivers on that promise.

Well, here is something that is not only legitimate, but is Fully Automated. In fact, all of the work is done for you! Even though it is not a business per say, it is a way for Stay at Home Moms to make money from home. And, you can make a SERIOUS amount of cash with this product.
I purchased this service around the first of October 2007. I call it a service, but it really is a combination of a product AND a service. The Product is an ebook called the Penny Stock Advisor and the service is a weekly Newsletter that contains a highly researched and recommended Penny Stock Pick for the Week.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, hey Janet, I don't know anything about the stock market, or my knowledge in that area is very limited.

And you know what? It doesn't matter. In fact, if you can open an email and read my recommended article on Penny Stock Brokers below, You can Do This!

Literally, the only thing you have to do after you sign up is to pick a Penny Stock Broker. Click Here and read this article on a Quick Comparison of Penny Stock Brokers and for my Top Pick. TRULY that is it! Once you have opened an account, (and I show you a Penny Stock Broker that has no minimum), you just have to open your weekly email, and buy the stock that is recommended.

It almost sounds to good to be true. But, the reason that the service is Guaranteed is because of the Unique way that the Stocks are picked. The Penny Stock Advisor is actually a Sophisticated Robot (Marl) that can choose Stocks that are ripe to peak. And unlike other Penny Stock Advisers, Marl maintains a "Managed Portfolio" and that is how you make money.

See, in the world of Penny Stock Trading, you absolutely MUST know not only when to BUY, but it is imperative that you know when to SELL. The Penny Stock Market, Unlike the Blue Chip Market, moves at a much quicker pace. And because it is highly speculative, knowing when to SELL is the key to success and higher profits.

Frankly, that's all you need to know to start making money. But, I want to share with you just why I am recommending this product and How much I made From October through the End of November.

Below are the Penny Stock Picks that were presented to me from the time I purchased the Penny Stock Advisor until Christmas, when frankly I took a hiatus from my computer and visited with Family and Friends.

$0.21 (October 2007)
$0.40 (October 2007)
Started out with $100 in my Account.

On this trade I made $85.50

Tara Gold Resources (TRGD.PK)
0.48 (October 2007)
0.80 (October 2007)
On this trade I made $100.16

0.15 (October 2007)
0.22 (October 2007)

I made $105.00 on this trade

0.94 (November 2007)
1.17 (November 2007)

I didn't follow through with this tip

0.47 (November 2007)
0.77 (November 2007)

I made $180.00 on this tip

Skinvisible Inc. (SKVI.OB)
0.18 (December 2007)
0.15 (December 2007)

Luckily, I didn't follow through with this tip either!

Bottom Line I Profited $470.66 in 60 Days!

Now you know why I can whole heartily recommend this product! In my mind, anything that allows you to Legitimately Make Money at Home-Work From Home On The Internet so that you can spend more time with your family is worth checking out. Click Here for More Information on How you can earn $346.77 per week just by following the advice of a Stock Trading Robot, GUARANTEED.
**This just in, Doubling Stocks will give you $100 in your account when you subscibe to their newsletter! So, you can actually make money off of THEIR Money! This is an Amazing Deal, I wish they offered it when I signed up! But, as you can see, that's how sure they are that you will make money! Click Here and Start Making Money today! It's Only a one time Subscription Rate of $47! The worse that can happen is you make $53!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Best Jobs For Stay at Home Moms

If you are a stay at home mom or trying to become one, this is by far one of the best opportunities I have come across in a long time.

Trying to find legitimate work at home is probably one of the hardest things to do. Quite frankly, 97% of the stuff that you see on the internet is garbage.

Here are the most common problems with home based jobs for stay at home moms:

1. You find an opportunity that appeals to you. You either purchase an ebook, guide or program that is supposed to help you make money.

2. After you click the "Purchase" button, you are hit with 3 or 4 ADDITIONAL offers to add to what you've already purchased. You're shocked that it's going to cost even more money than what you were told.

3. The information or "instructions" you receive on how to make money is either disorganized or so overwhelming that you don't know where to start.

4. You find out that you have to use Pay-Per-Click advertising or some sort of other expensive medium to get the word out about what you are promoting.

5. You either lose money, or simply give up because it's just too complicated to work from home.

If this sounds familiar to you, then The Apple Patch Diet Home Based Business Opportunity is for you! Here's the difference.

1. The opportunity cost $29.95--that's it..REALLY!

2. You get a $25.00 CASH bonus for signing up (so now the cost is $4.95)

3. There is only one other offer, you can buy the product that your website promotes. You don't have to, but even if you want to, you get a $25.00 commission.

4. You get a set of instructions that have 6 easy-to-follow steps and literally takes less than 15 minutes to complete. That's it. A website is automatically customized for YOU and the system begins promoting that website for YOU. Literally, there is nothing else. No complicated training, 53 page ebooks to read and best of all not one more dime to spend!

5. You do not loose money because you are GUARANTEED to make $250 within your first month. If you don't, you get your $29.95 back. NO questions asked, NO Hassles. You are in Business for Yourself, But NOT By Yourself.

Finally...a company that want's to see it's members succeed. Plus, the reviews on the Apple Patch Diet are very compelling.

Within 10 minutes of joining you will be up and running!

  • NO Personal Selling is Involved
  • NO Computer Experience is Required
  • NO Telephone Calls to Make
  • NO Prospecting or Cold Calling!
  • NO Costly Advertising

With the Apple Patch Home Based Internet Business Opportunity, You are GUARANTEED to Make $250 within your first 30 days or your $29.95 is refunded. There are NO Gimmicks, NO Hype, NO Pressure. You have finally found an honest to goodness way to start making money from home, honestly!

Get Started today with this Risk Free Opportunity

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Mom's-- The Shocking Truth About Second Incomes!

Whether you are currently a stay at home mom or just deciding to stay at home, this information clearly uncovers the reality of what a second income really does to your family's finances.

I have mentioned this little tool before, MSN's Second Income Calculator but recently, I sent a friend of mine, Kelly, the link and what she found out has caused quite the ruckus in her home. At her request I am posting Kelly's story here in the hope that this will help other families facing this same issue.

I didn't know this, but Kelly has been grappling with the whole stay at home moms vs. working mom's controversy for the last 3 months. Kelly and her husband just had their second child and last week Kelly's Family Leave was up so she had to return to work.

Kelly has always seemed like the dedicated career woman, she has worked her way up the company ladder with 3 promotions over 11 years. Kelly doesn't have a college degree so she has always been afraid to quit her job because she knows that she will never be able to re-enter the work force at even half of what she makes now.

Fortunately for Kelly, and up until now, she has been able to keep daycare time and costs at a minimum. Between her parents and in-laws, she didn't feel like that was an issue. But with the addition of the baby, and her now traveling parents, daycare costs and time have increased substantially.
Also, Kelly got to spend 3 months at home with her newborn daughter and 10 year old son. Something she was unable to do when her first was born.
This 3 months at home has forced her to come to the realization of just how much of her kids childhood she is missing out on.

Her husband David, is very analytical, so pleading the emotional end of this heated topic has done nothing for Kelly or their marriage. However, when Kelly completed the questionnaire on MSN's Second Income Calculator, it was just what her husband needed to gain a very insightful perspective on their current lifestyle.

Here are Kelly's Stats, see what you think her next move will be!
In 2006 Kelly's husband David, made $62,274 and in 2007 he made $63,239.
Kelly made $40,500 in 2006 and in 2007 she made $37,576.
Kelly's salary for 2008 will be $42,000.

Using the MSN Second Income Calculator is quite simple. You plug in your husbands income, how much taxes he paid.
You enter the second income in the "this year's projected income---2nd wage earner field."

Then, you figure out the amount of additional monthly work expenses you incur with Mom's income. Believe it or not, these are not frivolous expenses that you would think an upper middle or upper class couple would incur, but rather everyday expenses that you just take for granted.

Child Care with the additional help Kellys Childcare is $1,100 a month
Clothing Kelly had to buy some new clothes--post pregnancy figure $120 a month
Dry Cleaning $70 a month
Commuting Costs $360 a month
Unreimbursed expenses $100 a month
Entertainment $100 a month
Meals Out $240 a month
Services (Kelly has to work 10hrs a day so she hired a part-time cleaner) $200 a month

Change in Annual household income $878
Additional dollars per hour $0.35

Total annual income Not Working $62,274 Working $104,739
Income taxes, Social Security & Medicare Not Working$12,611 Working$26,718
Related expenses Not Working$ 0 Working$27,470
Household income Not Working$49,663 Working$50,541

Shocking! It seems that in this case study the IRS is the only one that benefits from Kelly and David's dual income.

I showed Kelly my Schedules A and C (business profit and loss tax statements) for 2007. Together, we determined that even if she started a home-based business and only worked very part-time, she would still come out $1,000' s of dollars ahead with all of the deductions she can claim.

Kelly and Dave were also concerned about Kelly's 401k so they have an appointment with an investment counselor at their bank next week. After they get this part of the equation sorted out, Kelly is going to give her two weeks notice.

Kelly can't believe that she has basically been working for .35 Cents an hour!

I think Dave pretty much summed it up though when he said,
"I'll be da____ed if my kids aren't worth more than $878.00!"

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Homeschool Moms Work at Home

Actually if you are a mom that home schools, you are the perfect candidate for Working at Home!
As a homeschooler myself, I have found that working online has enhanced our school curriculum in many ways. In fact I have incorporated it into our weekly class schedule! With the truculent economy and job security at an all time low, I feel that it is imperative to the future of our children's financial security to learn business skills much earlier than they are taught in either public or private learning institutions.

I actually found a Work Online University called the Wealthy Affiliate. While it is geared towards adults, children can also benefit from the skills that are taught in this highly interactive format.

The Wealthy Affiliate teaches it's members how to make money working at home online. This Online University specializes in Affiliate Marketing. Of course Marketing Strategies are stressed, but so is product creativity. Which I think is critical for everyone, especially our children as they tend to have fewer inhibitions when it comes thinking of new things to invent.

The Wealthy Affiliate Membership Site is designed for Beginner through Advanced Marketers. It truly is a one of a kind learning experience. The beginners are mentored by more advanced members and of course the owners--Kyle and Carson, two young multi-millionaires who started Internet Marketing on a shoe string budget while they were in College.

I believe that it is their collegiate experience that has directed them to set up this massive, yet user friendly site that contains every tutorial, guide and tool that you need to learn how to make money online.

Not only I have become very successful from the classes, videos and mentoring that I have received from Wealthy Affiliate, but my children 13, 11 and 9 are starting their own online business (with my supervision of course).

After learning how affiliate marketing works, they have decided on a start up idea, I have given them a budget and they are already designing a website and delegating duties amongst themselves. This would not be possible without our Wealthy Affiliate Membership.

Home school Moms Work at Home with Wealthy Affiliate, you'll be teaching your children a life skill that they will thank you for.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Free Work for Stay At Home Moms

Is there really a way to start up an online business that is absolutely free? The answer is yes!

So many moms tell me that they want to start up a home based business online, but they just don't have the capital or knowledge of how to begin.

In my opinion, working online is one of the best options available for stay at home moms. You can actually start a genuine work from home job with no money right now.

Before I explain how, you need to understand something. One of the biggest reasons that so many people fail or never even get off the ground with their home based business is because there is a lack of commitment and true understanding of what it takes to make money online.

You must commit yourself totally to your business. Decide what type of area you want to concentrate on and stick with it. Do not hop around from Biz Opp to Biz Opp. Here are some questions/statements you need to ask yourself to find out if working online is really a good match for you.

1. I can type?

2. I want to work from home on my computer.

3. I like the thought of working online.

4. I can work at least 20 hours per week to start.

5. I like to share my experiences and opinions with others via writing.

6. I can focus on the task at hand and not get side tracked.

7. I am willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

8. I am willing to learn. So when I am curious about something, I don't mind doing a little research.

9. I have a word processing program and winzip on my computer.

10. I understand that a home based business is just that--a business and there for I will keep accurate records. I may even need to visit an accountant to see what the tax benefits are for starting a business.

11. I don't need the comradery or recognition that you get from working with people.

If you truly want to make money online, then you should have answered every question with a yes.

Let's talk about number 10 for just a minute. If you want to make money online, it can often be a lonely place. Especially if you aren't part of a forum or business opportunity that isn't interactive. But no matter how much interaction you have online, it is not the same as going to the office or a sales meeting and getting human contact and recognition.

Some people truly can not handle this type of working environment. And that is OK, as long as you are willing to recognize this within yourself.

If you are ready, and you are looking for a legitimate way to work online for free then you can visit for great resources and a free online business.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Jobs For Stay at Home Moms

Are there really any legitimate jobs out there for stay at home moms?

Before we get into the answer for that question, let's consider the difference between jobs and business opportunities and which one is better for you.

Of course a job is when you work for someone else, during certain hours, performing certain tasks for a certain rate. Note key word here "certain." There is certainly a constant in having a J.O.B. (also known as Just Over Broke). While you are guaranteed a certain salary you also have to work those designated hours and your income is probably capped. Plus you have to answer to a Boss. Not always an easy thing to do when the baby wants to be fed!

In my opinion having your own home based business is the only way to go if you are a stay at home mom. Not only are the tax benefits incredible, but the endless opportunities are too appealing to not consider.

Just like a Job, being a success with your own business requires commitment. Usually, when home based businesses fail, it is due to not treating them with the discipline that a J.O.B. requires. The good news is, if you have had a job in the past, then you probably have the work ethic it takes to have a successful home based business.

Just remember this, once you find your niche and get your business off the ground, ask yourself this question every day.

"If I were a Boss, would I pay me today?"

Just reading this question is so powerful that I have kept it on a post it note attached to my computer from the first day that I started my Home Based Business.

The best advice I ever got was from some that explained this to me-- how doing little things every day would lead to bigger returns as time went by. But of course the key to this whole methodology is Focusing.

If you are looking for a legitimate work at home opportunity for stay at home moms then you should check out $5 Bucks a Day. This ebook and forum explains step-by-step how to have a lucrative and legitimate work at home Business by doing little things that bring in the income stay at home moms need.

Click Here For More Info