Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blogging To The Bank 2.0 Review--It's a Rip-Off

If you are considering Blogging to The Bank 2.0 as a guide to making money online, think again. Hopefully you will read this Blogging To The Bank 2.0 Review before it's too late.

If you are like me, you probably wanted to learn more about Blogging, a Free way (not really when it comes down to it) to make money online. Hey, what could be easier, blogging for profit? Write your thoughts about something and get paid, sounds simple enough doesn't it?

First off, let me say that Blogging itself is a very legitimate way to make money online. And yes, if you know what you're doing you can make serious money with a Blog and you can do this with $0 to Very Little Out of Pocket Costs.

I bought Blogging to the Bank 2.0 when it came out last year. I was really psyched because I had heard all the pre-launch hype and was excited to get started because I didn't know a lot about the subject.

The material (ebook & bonuses) itself was not disappointing, but what I found underneath when I signed up for the "upsell" the $29.99 a month 6 Figure Blogging Club was nothing but a rip-off!

For $29.99 a month, I was supposed to get a monthly newsletter with extra tips and strategies that Rob Benwell kept reserved for his subscribers, but what I got was nothing more than a bunch of hyped up emails promoting other products.

Sure, the first month the newsletter came, and quite frankly it was OK, but I figured since it was pretty new it would get better. Well after that, no newsletters ever came again, just a bunch of emails that promoted more products. No Blogging Tips, No Blogging Secrets, Nothing except charges to my credit card.

I emailed customer service at Blogging To The Bank no less than 4 times. They never responded, all the while I kept letting them charge me $29.99 a month for the privilege of receiving more Spam.

Finally, I contacted Clickbank and they were able to refund 2 out of the 4 months that I paid for the Blogging To The Bank 6 Figure Newsletter. This refund amount fell short because I was out of the 60 Day Grace Period for the other 2 payments. I understood that, but I also told Clickbank that if Rob Benwell would simply send me the 3 Newsletters that he owed me, I would be more than happy to even resign if the content was good.

What happened? Nothing. No Newsletters, just more spam promoting more products.

What's the moral of the story here? It occured to me that people who are new to Internet Marketing or even Blogging For Profit, might not know what to expect from a Monthly Newsletter or membership website. And maybe, some people think that getting weekly or even twice-weekly emails with SPAM is how this type of service works.

Let me assure you, it is not. If you sign up for a Monthly Newsletter, then that is exactly what you should receive, a Monthly Newsletter with legitimate content that is relevant to that service. Should the creator of the product try and sell you more stuff? Absolutely. That's just good business sense. But, before they try to sell you more products, they need to deliver on their promises. The Blogging To The Bank 2.0 Six Figure Blogging Club Doesn't do that or even come close.

As Far as Blogging To The Bank 2.0 goes, let the buyer beware!