Sunday, December 30, 2007

Activities For Stay at Home Moms

If you are a stay at home mom, you may at times feel like a shut in. Especially if you are the mother of a Preschooler(s).

Between diapers, bottles, cereal, and naptimes, getting out of the house can sometimes feel like more of a chore than an experience you used to enjoy. I know, believe me, been there done that.
One of my favorite activites for stay at home moms was my participation in a group called M.O.P.S. which stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. If there was ever a place where I was totally understood, it was at a M.O.P.S meeting! I could really let my hair down, be myself and just vent if I had to.
This organization really understands the needs of Moms with little ones at home. Here you will find activities for your children and adult time for you. Often times, it is just what you need to regain your sanity. Plus, you will feel understood, which so many stay at home moms don't.
Let's face it, staying at home can be one of the most thankless jobs there is. Especially if you went from the workforce to the full time mommy force. Unlike work, there's no paycheck or promotions for work well done. Of course, you children will reap the benefits of having you there, but in order for you to be the best that you can be, you need to feel appreciated too.
M.O.P.S. leaders and members understand this. Often times there are speakers that come to meetings with helpful lectures on things like family budgets, jobs for stay at home moms, maritial relations, infant care and more. Some of the best resources at hand are from other moms dealing with the same issues that you do on a daily basis.
Another advantage of attending M.O.P.S meetings where the subgroups that would sprout from a bunch of moms with different talents pooling their resources.
One of the most inspirational meetings I attended was lead by a mom who had been crafting for years. She took her talent of sewing and started her own business. She created accessories for Chemotherapy patients including hats, bags, scarves, inspirational pillows and more. The best part was her mission to employ other stay at home moms. She actually had 6 women from our group working for her and making a very decent part-time income.
Her story and her mission where a beacon of hope for many of us, who at the time were looking for ways to have some "me" time and make a little money on the side. I know for a fact that she not only motivated me to start my own home based business but many others as well.
If you are a Mother of a Preschooler(s) please consider attending a local M.O.P.S. Meeting. You can go to their website and find a group in your area. Or, if you are a stay at home mom with a particular talent or resource, please consider contacting them to share these with some Moms who would really appreciate it!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Are Stay At Home Moms Better For The Children?

Here's an article with helpful Cost Analysis Factors and an Extra income idea for Stay at home moms vs. working moms.
A handy little tool featured in this article is MSN's Second Income Calculator. If you have your tax returns from the last two years you can use this calculator to see how your income really affects your family.
Hopefully, you'll be able to come up with an answer to this question that is right for you.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Extra Cash For After The Holidays

Ah...the Holidays. Most of us are left with wonderful memories and over stuffed tummies.

But so many of us though are dreaming of Legitimate ways to earn extra money from home, or maybe even pay off some of the credit card balances from all of those presents we just bought.

Which ever the case, here is a link to a FREE way to start an online business. You will love this because it doesn't cost one thin dime to start, and you could see a check in as little as two weeks! Start Making Your Dreams Come True Now!